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When an adult chao sits down and flowers begin to bloom around it, you know
that love is in the air - It's mating season.
Mating is the key to keeping your chao garden alive, and a very fun and surprising
aspect of the game. Each time your chao mate, there is no way to accurately tell
what the baby chao will turn out as. The baby will be a mix of the parents special
traits, whether it be physical appearance or ability.
Here is how to let two chao mate:
Step 1: One of your adult chao will start to flower.
Step 2: Carry another adult chao that you would like the flowered chao to mate
with. Drop it beside the flowering chao.
Step 3: If the mate is succesful, the two chao will start to nuzzle on eachother and
music will play. If this doesn't happen, then the chao you dropped beside
it does not want to mate. (Light Chao do not mate)
Step 4: After a while, an egg will pop in between them.
If you follow these steps to mate, you should have almost no trouble in keeping your
gardens plentiful. By the way, after the chao reaches old age, it's sex drive will
lower and will be less likely of mating. It is best to mate chao at the young adult age.