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When your chao is in the egg, how you treat the egg affects its face and personality.
Here is the different personalities and faces:
Happy Face
Don't touch the eggs, just let them hatch with time
This one's hard. You must rock the egg with precise time, just enough, but not too
much. This takes about 12-17 seconds.
Several ways to get it. Throw the egg (not recommended), pick it up and run around
the garden while jumping, or shake it and set it down, then shake it again.
Dazed/Confused (On drugs, lol)
Shake the egg for a VERY long time...Looks like he's been smoking, lol.
Upside Down Evil Grin
Pick up the egg and jump around for about 2-5 minutes. Then sit it down and pick
it up quickly before it hatches, then throw it against something.
Zig-Zag'ed Mouth
This one seems to happen at random...